Korrel Projekte was founded by Adriaan Liebenberg in 2019, after working for various leading construction companies and consulting engineers in the Civil and Building industry.

Our aim (KORREL) is to deliver a high quality product, within budget, within agreed time.

The name Korrel Projekte is defined by the meaning of the word in so many ways. Precision, detail, aim to perfection, determination and accuracy.
Through our skilled teams and excellent suppliers, we will always aim for perfection in all aspects of the project.
We are a NHBRC registered company, dedicated to Civils, Building and Construction management.

How It All Started

Leading the way is Adriaan Liebenberg, with over 20 years’ experience in civil, building and construction management. He takes great pride in walking the extra mile to fulfil the visions of his clients. 
His passion for the construction industry is evident in his zealous and ambitious approach.
In his exceedingly professional manner, he has the ability to think beyond limitations, outside any box and has exceptional problem-solving skills. The main priority for Adriaan is to deliver within budget, within agreed time, a product of exceptional quality.